Injuries are one of the biggest barriers to physical activity. Running unfortunately has often been the cause of many injuries. Luckily many of these run-related injuries can be avoided through correct strength training, stretching, rest and relaxation. At EPIC Stride our main aim is to create stronger, more efficient runners by providing a balanced training program that is both sustainable and progressive to every individual.


The misconception for most runners is that running makes you run better. This is only partially true. In order to have an injury-free and successful running routine you need to be following a planned training program that implements strategies to limit injury, improve times and increase distance.


The EPIC belief is that a stronger, more balanced runner that possesses the correct posture, good body mechanics, core stability with movement patterns that are relaxed, focused and consistent, will improve continually while staying injury free.

New runners need to concentrate on sustainable progression.  This may initially involve run-walk methods that require you run for a specific period and follow that with a walk. This will allow the muscles and joints to recover and to maintain concentration and good form. Gradually you will wean yourself past this method and be running continually.


To limit injuries there are several training principles that need to be applied to your training. These principles need to be specific to your body, ability level, injury history and training history, among other things. Due to the high demand that running has on the body there is, unfortunately, a constant risk of injury. By applying simple, but effective, strength and flexibility techniques you can limit and manage your injuries. Running injuries are usually a contribution of many different factors that compound into one injury. The key is to be able to identify these factors and then work on improving them holistically.


In this blog section we will have a look at several reasons why these injuries occur and how to identify them and make the changes required to limit them. It is important to understand why running injuries occur and how you can limit them. By understanding the above, you can successfully prevent, treat and reduce your injuries.


Epic Stride specializes in the identification and prevention of running related injuries.


Let us know exactly how we can help and when is best to give you a call.