Suspension training is hugely diverse and often can be considered a 1 size fits all approach to exercise and movement for nearly any age and ability level. With just two straps and handles attached to a solid anchor they provide an extensive workout to nearly every major working muscle in your body. While maintaining a low impact and nonabrasive style to functional fitness.


Suspension training was started as a mainline fitness tool by a Navy Seal, Randy Hetrick while on deployment. Using only his Jiu jitsu belt and some parachute lines, he found a new innovative way to get a full body workout using minimal equipment that would be easy to move around and use anywhere he was.


For most of the general population, they are under educated and under resourced when it comes to rehabilitation without surgery. Making EPIC Suspension Training an effective training style to sustainably rehabilitate injuries like meniscus tears or deterioration of the meniscus to prevent turning to osteoarthritis in the knee. The knee being a hinge joint, is one of the largest and strongest joints in your body. It is connected by the lower end of the femur, the upper end of the tibia, and the patella. The ends of the three bones where they meet are covered with articular cartilage a tough, smooth and rubbery substance that protects and cushions the bones as you bend and straighten your knee.


Osteoarthritis in the knee joint occurs when the cartilage in the joint gradually wears away from deterioration or injury. As the cartilage deteriorates away, it becomes frayed and rough, and the protective rubber like space between the bones minimises and results in bone rubbing on bone, producing painful bone spurs. In terms of non-surgical treatment, recommended options such as losing overall body weight can reduce stress on the knee joint, resulting in less pain and increased function – Going from high impact activities like running to lower impact exercise like swimming or cycling will put much less stress on the knee joint and improve overall health.


The depth and the speed of movement can be progressed or regressed based on the client’s ability and injuries. Single leg squat variations, such as the assisted squat and lunge are two safe and effective options for developing stable, strong leg muscles. Without any excessive overload on the hinge joint enabling the client to inhibit a rehabilitation within the knee to encourage strength and stability with the hope of non-surgical interference.



Let us know exactly how we can help and when is best to give you a call.