The term ‘insomnia’ can be defined as:

“A sleeping disorder in which a person has difficulty in achieving REM sleep, or staying asleep at all, resulting in poor sleep quality”.

There are many different instances of insomnia that range from days to months. In some cases, it can even last years! Insomnia is usually caused by some physical or mental health issue and can have a detrimental effect on your life. We all know that we need a decent amount of sleep each night, otherwise we start to become less functional!. The good news is that your insomnia CAN be cured or treated to make it more tolerable.

The causes of insomnia have been linked to many different sources. Including the reasons mentioned above, insomnia can be affected by food, drugs, sleeping habits and environments, sleeping patterns, and any medical conditions that the patient may be suffering from. If you are sensitive to caffeine, then it is advised that you reduce your consumption. It may also be due to your partner. It may be affected if you have a snoring partner sharing your bed, or the atmosphere is constrictive. Many different illnesses, such as hypertension, can also directly influence the severity of insomnia that people experience.

Your mood can also be a direct result of your insomnia. Your sleeping patterns will become erratic, causing you to be easily irritated and frustrated. After all, you aren’t getting enough sleep. Anxiousness and depression have also been known to set in as sufferers struggle with their everyday tasks and routines. Accidents and injuries become commonplace, as the sufferer is also less aware of their surroundings and environments, which causes focus to drop immensely.

Finding Peace

Medications can be utilized in order to treat those who have insomnia, ranging from hypnotics to sedatives, such as:

  • Benzodiazepines.
  • Ramelteon.
  • Anti-depressants.

Cognitive behaviour therapy is also another option that people living with insomnia have declared works wonders. The therapy is designed to change certain behaviours and adopt certain habits or routines, which in turn aims to relieve you of insomnias symptoms. Other options can range from Chinese herbal remedies, acupuncture, aromatherapy, and other holistic approaches. It is important to find out which works best for you and shows the best results.

Many people have experienced some form of insomnia in their lives and have recovered successfully. It is important to realise that a routine, along with healthy eating and exercise will do wonders to assist your sleeping and banish insomnia for good! If it continues to persist, it is important to contact your physician or GP.


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