Balance is a critical part of efficient running. It helps maintain the required weight distribution and keeps you strong, steady and upright while running. It is specifically used when you transfer weight from one leg to another repeatedly. This, you should understand, is one of the basic concepts of running. Ensuring that you have good balance results in you becoming a more efficient runner with fewer injuries and increased ease of movement. Thankfully, there are ways that you can develop and improve your balance without having to rely on unfriendly terrains and expensive footwear.

Simply put, the better your balance becomes the better your running will be. There are many ways to develop and improve your balance such as; drills, stretches and strength training.

Though, there are many important factors to take into account with regards to balance. And our ability often gradually decreases as we age. This can be the result of many things including training frequency, ability levels, decreased mobility, decreased coordination, delayed reflexes, decreased agility, reduced eyesight and issues relating to the inner ear.

Below we have listed a few options for you to start incorporating into your training program. Use these as a guide to improve so you can become a more balanced, stable and efficient runner:

  • Strength training.
  • Unilateral foot exercises.
  • Varied surfaces.
  • Barefoot training.
  • A stretching and recovery routine.

Be sure that you let the team and EPIC Fit know if they are able to help you improve so you can enjoy your training, and life, as much as possible.

EPIC Fitness Health and Wellness is here to support your longevity!

EPIC Fit offers small group classes and personalised sessions designed to improve your health and wellness.


Let us know exactly how we can help and when is best to give you a call.